“The Birds Got Him.”

In Day 10, Darren Hardy brings back the great Jim Rohn back, to discuss both the Law of Averages, and the Law of Sowing and Reaping.

I have to admit, I think this is my favorite day of all 17. I just love listening to Jim Rohn. When you listen to this day’s information (which is just over 16 minutes long), I hope that you feel as I do after I listen to Mr. Rohn. I always listen to his wisdom and feel a bit better about everything afterwards.

Remember, if a baseball player’s batting average is 300, he’s making millions of dollars a year…and striking out 7 out of 10 times at bat!

You’ll understand what the subject line means after you listen to Mr. Rohn – when I heard this clip the first time, I laughed out loud, which was pretty embarrassing as I was listening to it waiting in line at a local grocery store! I’ve probably listened to it two dozen times now and it still puts a big grin on my face.

I think this really is the best advice you’ll ever get in this business. Do you agree? Let me know!

Darren Hardy Day Ten