Hey, don’t blame me about that subject line – Mr. Hardy specifically said it! In Day 4 of listening to Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS magazine and best-selling author of The Compound Effect, we hear about how to get around Landmine One, which was mentioned in Day 3. Although it’s just short of 4 minutes long, this is […]
Doing It Your Way – And Messing It All Up.
This is the third day of 17 days with Darren Hardy, best-selling author of The Compound Effect and publisher of SUCCESS magazine. In this short, 3-minute segment, Mr. Hardy introduces the first of 5 “landmines” that you might accidentally step on as you pursue your desire to become a successful entrepreneur. This first “landmine” (I keep typing “landmind” […]
The Greatest Equal-Opportunity Employer
In this, the second day of the 17 day series with Darren Hardy, Mr. Hardy discusses what factors determine the difference between those who succeed and those who fail. Mr. Hardy states that there are 4 factors to consider with respect to the level of your success in this business: 1. The Leadership 2. The Products & Services 3. […]
What To Look For In A Home-Based Business
Just today at the gym, a gal I take Spin class with reminded me that she hadn’t had time to take a look at the information from my home-based business. She’s like most folks these days – she has two jobs, plus kids, plus a husband, and the idea of even opening personal email is sometimes too much […]
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