How’d you like yesterday’s recording? It really is my favorite! Remember what Darren Hardy said at the end, because it’s going to become your Mantra! Some Will. Some Won’t. So What! Next! Today, Mr. Hardy discusses a bit about the history of the Network Marketing industry. Remember, he is the publisher of SUCCESS magazine, which is an unbiased […]
“The Birds Got Him.”
In Day 10, Darren Hardy brings back the great Jim Rohn back, to discuss both the Law of Averages, and the Law of Sowing and Reaping. I have to admit, I think this is my favorite day of all 17. I just love listening to Jim Rohn. When you listen to this day’s information (which is just over […]
Don’t Let People Who Don’t Matter, Matter, plus Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement video.
In Day 9, Darren Hardy discusses one of the biggest landmines of all with respect to starting your own network marketing business – your own Self Image. Wow! This one is so huge! Because just about everyone else has been conditioned (as you were) by school, corporations, and the like that network marketing is a bad idea, and […]
Getting Bigger than your Problems, and the Compounding Penny
In Day 8 with Darren Hardy, he continues the discussion on Commitment. Mr. Hardy makes it clear that you need to treat the business as a serious business – and if you do, it will reward you more than any other business can. However, you need to be patient, and give yourself and the process time. I liken […]
Should You Be Committed?
Well, you’ll probably hear from those near and dear to you that you SHOULD be committed, by getting involved in “One of those Pyramid Things.” (Click HERE if you want to see my absolute favorite-of-all-time YouTube clip on this subject). But in reality, what Mr. Hardy discusses as the Third Landmine in this business is the fact that […]
“I got a part-time thing goin’ on…”
How to get around Landmine 2? In this 11-1/2 minute segment, Darren Hardy calls on Jim Rohn to help explain one of the best ways around it. Taken from Mr. Rohn’s “Building Your Network Marketing Business” (the entire hour has been uploaded to YouTube here), this section contains invaluable advice, in the folksy way that Mr. Rohn delivered his […]
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